
cycle of time-7 day course-day 4

 6.day 4 point 6  Because of being trapped on the path of devotion, people hardly recognise Me and this is why you explain the pictures of Shiva and Shankar. They have mixed the two together and said that both are one. One is a resident of the subtle region and the other is the Resident of the supreme abode. The residence of each is separate (vide. Murli 2.3.22) people hardly recognize me and this is why you have to explain the picture of the difference between Shiva and Shankar: because they have combined the two and said that Shiva and Shankar are one and the same ;but in fact one is ,resides in the subtle region and the other resides in the supreme abode so they don't even live in the same place so how can they be the same person-- each is separate;  7.day 4 point 7 . Therefore, how could both have the same name?  (vide. Murli December 27 2021 ) and how could both have the same name 8. day 4 point 8 One is incorporeal and the other is subtle. You cannot say Shiva ...
3. आत्मा day 3   point 3 बाप कहते हैं मैं गर्भ से जन्म नहीं लेता हूँ। मैं साधारण शरीर में प्रवेश करता हूँ। (vide. Murli 2.3.22) उन्होंने अवतार लिया है

soul -7 day course-day 1-english

.  1. Soul Day 1 , point 1 You children know God Shiva is teaching us through this body. The birth of Shiva is also remembered. A birthday is always celebrated. Only the one name ‘soul’ has continued from the beginning. The Father says: I do not take birth through a womb; I incarnate in an ordinary body. (vide. Murli 2.3.22) shiva is teaching us through this ordinary body   2. Soul Day 2 , point 2   The Father says: I do not take birth through a womb; I incarnate in an ordinary body.   (vide. Murli 2.3.22)   He has incarnated 3. . day 3 point 3 When a soul enters a body, it moves inside and makes a sound. You can then know that a soul has entered the womb, for the  organs  of the baby begin to move. This has to be understood very clearly. All other human beings who relate something never say, “I, the soul, am explaining to you. (vide. Murli 2.3.22)  the sign of the presence of life in a womb, is when there is movement! 4 . Soul Day 4  , ...