soul -7 day course-day 1-english



Day 1 , point 1

You children know God Shiva is teaching us through this body. The birth of Shiva is also remembered. A birthday is always celebrated. Only the one name ‘soul’ has continued from the beginning. The Father says: I do not take birth through a womb; I incarnate in an ordinary body.

(vide. Murli 2.3.22)

shiva is teaching us

through this ordinary body



Day 2 , point 2


The Father says: I do not take birth through a womb; I incarnate in an ordinary body.


(vide. Murli 2.3.22)


He has incarnated

3. .day 3 point 3

When a soul enters a body, it moves inside and makes a sound. You can then know that a soul has entered the womb, for the organs of the baby begin to move. This has to be understood very clearly. All other human beings who relate something never say, “I, the soul, am explaining to you.

(vide. Murli 2.3.22)

 the sign of the presence of life in a womb, is when there is movement!

4 .Soul

Day 4  , point 4  

4 .Soul

Day 4  ,



 point 4  


We Godly students are claiming the sovereignty of heaven from God, the Father, the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul. This is such an easy aspect! However, there are many obstacles created by Maya in this study. While moving along, some leave the study. You should study this spiritual knowledge every day. These tapes have been provided for this. People even go to America or London in order to study. 

(vide. Murli 2.3.22)

it is very simple and straightforward


maya puts many obstacles in your way

causing you to stop the study



 6 .Soul

,Day 6 ,point 6



Souls are not larger or smaller in size; bodies become large or small. 

(vide. Murli 7.4.22)


in fact

the size of souls and the Supreme Soul is the same:

infinitesimal!there are no physical dimensions---objects have dimensions, beings do not. size does not apply to the soul.

the appearance of a soul or the Supreme Soul

would be the same. you cannot distinguish on the basis of appearance. in the material world people make distinctions on the basis of




7. .Soul

,Day 7 ,point 7



All other human beings who relate something never say, “I, the soul, am explaining to you.” They are known by their bodies, 


(vide. Murli 2.3.22)




 the body is tangible:

the soul is not

 8. .Soul

,Day 8 ,point 8 This is the confluence age. The Father explains that you are not studying for this birth. This income is for the future. Whatever everyone else does is for this birth. People think: Why should we think about the future now? We will see what is to happen. You children have the faith that you are studying for your many future births. The Father is giving you the inheritance for your future 21 births. You are studying with this faith. (vide. Murli 2.3.22) this lifetime this is your income for the future what people do now is for their present lives people are not focused on their future lives but you are aware that your study is for

many lives to come


Day 9  , point 9  

The highest-on-high Supreme Father is the Seed of the human world tree. 

(vide. Murli 2.3.22)

what is god

god shiva says i am the seed of the

human world

that means

all information about the human world

human history

set in the geography of the earth (meaning geography)

from the beginning to the end is

contained in me:contained in me

are the sanskaras of knowledge,


contained in you–are your individual predestined rules

which may endure for a maximum of 5000

years and a minimum of one second.

you have a maximum of 84 births

and a minimum of one birth



Day 10  , point 10

in the same way, look what the form of a soul is! The body is so large. 

(vide. Murli 2.3.22) 


form of the soul is infinitesimal non-physical and the body and its role are vast and complex discernible in the material dimension only at this time.



Day 11  , point 11


 The Father is giving you the inheritance for your future 21 births. You are studying with this faith. No one without faith can sit here. Here, it is not a pundit etc. who is teaching you, but it is incorporeal God who is teaching you. This soul experiences happiness that the unlimited Father is teaching him. He does not have His own human body. I, the incorporeal One, have to enter this body of Brahma.

(vide. Murli 2.3.22) 

The Father is providing you with an inheritance that will endure for your next 21 births: you are studying on the basis of this

faith. no one would sit here and study this knowledge unless they have this faith. The soul is pleased that the father who

does not have a human body, is teaching. He is an extraterrestrial, a non-human. God Shiva says, I the incorporeal one,

incarnate into the human body of Brahma.


Day 12  , point 12

 यह अनादि बना बनाया ड्रामा है। तुमको बुद्धि में सारा याद आता है।

 (vide. Murli 2.3.22) 

यह ड्रामा तो बनी बनाई है: अब तुम सारे ड्रामा से वाकिफ हो


Day 13  , point 13
 We souls reside in the incorporeal world. It does not enter the intellects of other human beings that souls reside with the Father in the supreme abode, the place that is also called Brahmand.
 (vide. Murli 2.3.22) 
all souls are located in the soul world: Nirvana, Paramdham ! there is no human soul who knows that the soul dwells with the father in Paramdham. This location is also called Brahmand.


Day 14  , point 14
We souls are very tiny stars, but they have created large images in order to worship them. Such a big soul would not be able to sit in the forehead. However, there is a wonderful star sparkling in the centre of the forehead. A star is so tiny! 


 (vide. Murli 2.3.22) 

the soul must have no physical dimensions in order to sit in the forehead and operate the body, brain etc from that position 


Day 15  , point 15

This drama is predestined - the eternal drama. Each soul has his own imperishable part recorded within him and each one repeats his own part; there cannot be the slightest difference. Once a part is recorded in a film, it repeats. There cannot be any mistakes in that. 

 (vide. Murli 2.3.22) 

the soul requires a human body to express what is contained within it: the eternally predestined role.

the drama is eternally already made and getting made moment by moment. this is the paradox: understand this paradox and that this is what makes the drama real. each soul is repeating their predestined, imperishable part exactly and identically: it cannot be changed. it is a 3d film maybe, we should call it a 5d film because in addition to sight and sound and location: there is also taste and fragrance.


Day 16  , point 16

These aspects are completely new. A handful out of multimillions understand them. Even those who have been studying for eight or ten years stop studying; they become influenced by bad company. This study is such that you have to continue to drink the nectar of knowledge for as long as you live. This study will continue until the end. I am teaching you this study now for your future 21 births.

(vide. Murli 2.3.22) 

this is new information: very few can understand this. for as long as the waters of knowledge are flowing continue to drink:

it will continue until the end;


Day 17 , point 17

You children have the intoxication that God is teaching you. If a child of a king is being taught by the king himself, the child would say, “My father, the king, is teaching me.” Here, it is the Purifier Father who is teaching us. He is teaching us Raja Yoga. You should constantly have internal happiness.

(vide. Murli 2.3.22) .

 you are indeed ecstatic that God is directly teaching you.

God, the purifier of the impure is your father and teaching you rajyoga 


Day 18 , point 18

At this time, you are incognito. 

(vide. Murli 2.3.22) 

you are also unrecognized

19 .


Day 19 , point 19

You know that you are residents of the incorporeal world. Then, there is also the subtle region. Some children go to that subtle region. People have visions, whereas you actually go there; you Brahmins meet the deities in the subtle region. That is a confluence of Brahmins and deities 

(vide. Murli 2.3.22) 

you spirits dwell in mulvatan and you also visit the subtle regions: some people receive visions but you travel to the world of visions,:practically; You brahmins enter your angelic form, to meet the deities there!


Day 20 , point 20

The Father sits here and explains to the children. He says: Children, don’t be careless! Maya will very quickly extinguish your light. This is why you have to remember the Father very well

 (vide. Murli 2.3.22) 

do not make mistakes.maya will extinguish your light, so you must remain vigilantly in remembrance of the Father.



Day 21 , point 21

... study

  (vide. Murli 2.3.22) 

sustain the study


Day 22 , point 22

While you are sitting here, you become intoxicated by listening to Baba directly. As soon as you go outside, this intoxication disappears. As is the company, so you are coloured.

   (vide. Murli 2.3.22) 

stay inside: otherwise your ecstasy vanishes. Stay in the right company.


Day 23 , point 23 

If you have no bondage, you can study and also teach others. 

(vide. Murli 2.3.22) 

stay free


এই ব্লগটি থেকে জনপ্রিয় পোস্টগুলি

cycle of time-7 day course-day 4

परमपिता परमात्मा -7 day course-day 2 -english( refinement necessary)